The reduced (aka "Niggli") cell for your case is 82.8246 88.2997 82.8246 98.8892 110.5181 117.0456

You can get this using "tracer" or "othercell" in the CCP4 suite.

I keep a local table of reduced cells from the PDB that I update periodically, and the closest one to yours in that list is:

4y42   82.5   88.0   82.5  99 110 117   cyanate hydratase

This was deposited in P1, but if you download the data and feed it to Pointless, it is quite confident that the true space group is actually C2. There are 10 chains in the ASU so there may be some pseudo symmetry going on. The paper reporting 4y42 describes it as a " serendipitous crystallization".

What happens if you try to refine your data against the model deposited as 4y42?

Hope that helps,

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 6/17/2017 12:07 AM, dongxiaofei wrote:

Dear ALL,

I got two kinds of crystals of different proteins ,but there are many similarities.

The shape of the crystals are similar, the cell parameters are also similar : protein A , 136.12 94.398 89.476 90 125.479 90 , Space group C 1 2 1 and protein B , 136.14 94.369 89.115 90 125.495 90 , Space group C 1 2 1.

protein A has a NMR structure ,but Rfree always high above 50% after molecular replacement , protein B’s Rfree is also above 50% .

So I am wonder if these crystals are the result of debris of proteins , because the growth of the crystals needs more than half a year . I am sure the two proteins are different and crystals respectively come from different proteins

Any insights will be really appreciated.


Dong Xiao

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