If you dont use Phenix, print the figures of https://doi.org/10.1016/S0969-2126(02)00743-8 and use them beside your screen. Helps a lot if you wanna have a quick look at Rfact distributions..
>>> Paul Emsley <pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> 14.06.17 15.25 Uhr >>> On 14/06/2017 14:09, Khoa Pham wrote: > Dear CCP4 members, > > I am refining a structure with a resolution of ~ 2.9 A and the Rwork/Rfree > are are > 0.34/0.37, respectively. > My question is that these Rwork/Rfree are acceptable for publication. If you have Phenix, try POLYGON. That will give you a good clue. >If not, how can I > reduce them? > That is more complicated to answer. Paul.