Posted on behalf of Peijun Zhang...

Dear All,

Two postdoc positions are open at eBIC, the UK national cryoEM center at
Diamond Light Source. For further information about these positions, please
contact: Peijun Zhang Tel: +44 (0) 1235 77 8878 (office), E-mail:

 1. Cryo super-resolution Correlative Microscopy

We are seeking a highly motivated PDRA to carry out his/her own innovative
research by developing and applying an integrative correlative microscopy
workflow to address biological questions. The post holder will use cryo-SIM
at B24 beamline (and further develop other means of) cryo super-resolution
optical microscopy, with a Scios cryoFIB/SEM instrument and Titan Krios
microscopes at Diamond, and set up novel experiments to push the boundaries
of correlative microscopy. Important studies will be the investigation of
pathogen and host cell interactions. In addition, the successful candidate
will play an active role to assist users with their experiments in eBIC.

The post holder should have a PhD degree in structural biology or
biophysics and have a demonstrated record of accomplishment in conducting
high quality original research. Knowledge at postgraduate level in
cryoEM/ET is essential and experience in fluorescence microscopy and live
cell imaging is desirable.

For further information and to apply, please click ‘apply’ below or follow
this link:

2. CryoEM Method Development

We are seeking a highly motivated PDRA to develop and apply new cryoEM
sample preparation methods. This position will allow using picolitre volume
dispenser to make cryoEM specimen fast and reliably. Obtaining suitable
cryoEM samples for high-resolution structural determination is currently
one of the main bottlenecks in cryoEM. In addition, the successful
candidate will play an active role in assisting users with their
experiments at eBIC.

The post holder should have a PhD degree in physics/biophysics or
engineering and have a demonstrated record of accomplishment in conducting
high quality original research.

For further information and to apply, please click ‘apply’ below or follow
this link:

eBIC (electron Bio-Imaging Centre) at Diamond Light Source provides
scientists with state-of-the-art experimental equipment and expertise in
the field of cryo-electron microscopy, for single particle analysis and
cryo-tomography. Funded by the Wellcome Trust with the UK Medical Research
and Biotechnology and Biology Research Councils, eBIC is a UK National
Centre for cryo-electron microscopy in the life sciences and is currently
the largest centre of its kind worldwide, hosting four Titan Krios, a Talos
Arctica and a Scios instruments.  (
Peijun Zhang, PhD
Division of Structural Biology
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
University of Oxford
Roosevelt Drive Oxford OX3 7BN, UK

eBIC Director,
Diamond Light Source, UK

Dr Tom Burnley, PhD
CCP-EM | @ccp_em |

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
The Research Complex At Harwell
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, R92
OX11 0FA
01235 56 7871

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