This is excellent news - we have a series of related structures solved in
the YSBL - several sets of which are on different crystallographic origins.
It doesnt matter of course crystallographically but is confusing for
Now we can alter them to a common origin with redepositing the information..
Eleanor Dodson

On 18 May 2017 at 15:22, Jasmine Young <> wrote:

> Hi Ed,
> The PDB accession code will be based on the primary data stored in the
> PDB.  Therefore depositors will need to make a new deposition with new PDB
> accession code issued if the atomic coordinates are modified using newly
> processed intensities from the original diffraction images.
> More details on the procedure will be made available at a later date.
> Regards,
> Jasmine
> ===========================================================
> Jasmine Young, Ph.D.
> Biocuration Team Lead
> RCSB Protein Data Bank
> Associate Research Professor
> Center for Integrative Proteomics Research
> Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
> 174 Frelinghuysen Rd
> Piscataway, NJ 08854-8087
> Email:
> Phone: (848)445-0103 ext 4920
> Fax: (732)445-4320
> ===========================================================
> On 5/17/17 12:11 PM, Edward A. Berry wrote:
>> Couple of wuestions:
>> What is the procedure for updating an entry? Start a new submission, or
>> mail revised coordinates along with an explanation of changes to
>> deposit@rcsb?
>> "unchanged experimental data" - does this mean the exact same structure
>> factors, or will newly reduced data from the same original diffraction
>> images be acceptable?
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
>> On 05/17/2017 09:28 AM, Jasmine Young wrote:
>>> *Use CAUTION opening attachments or clicking on links in emails - IMT
>>> Help Desk, 4-4115*
>>> The wwPDB is planning to introduce in 2017 a new procedure for the
>>> management by the Depositor of Record (where the Depositor of Record is
>>> defined as the Principal Investigator for the entry) of substantial
>>> revisions to previously released PDB archival entries.
>>> At present, revised atomic coordinates for an existing released PDB
>>> entry are assigned a new accession code, and the prior entry is obsoleted.
>>> This long-standing wwPDB policy had the unintended consequence of breaking
>>> connections with publications and usage of the prior set of atomic
>>> coordinates, resulting in a non-trivial barrier to submission of atomic
>>> coordinate revisions by our Depositors of Record.
>>> The wwPDB is introducing a file versioning system that allows Depositors
>>> of Record to update their own previously released entries. Please note, in
>>> the first phase, file versioning will be applied to the atomic coordinates
>>> refined versus unchanged experimental data.
>>> Version numbers of each PDB archive entry will be designated using a #-#
>>> identifier. The first digit specifies the major version, and the second
>>> designates the minor version. The Structure of Record (i.e., the initial
>>> set of released atomic coordinates) is designated as Version 1-0.
>>> Thereafter, the major version digit is incremented with each substantial
>>> revision of a given entry (e.g., Version 2-0, when the atomic coordinates
>>> are replaced for the first time by the Depositor of Record). “Major version
>>> changes” are defined as updates to the atomic coordinates, polymer
>>> sequence(s), and/or chemical identify of a ligand. All other changes are
>>> defined as “minor changes”. When a major change is made, the minor version
>>> number is reset to 0 (e.g., 1-0 to 1-1 to 2-0). For the avoidance of doubt,
>>> the wwPDB will retain all major versions with the latest minor versions of
>>> an entry within the PDB archive.
>>> Current wwPDB policies governing the deposition of independently refined
>>> structures based on the data generated by a research group or laboratory
>>> separate from that of the Depositor of Record remain unchanged. Versioning
>>> of atomic coordinates will be strictly limited to substitutions made by the
>>> Depositor of Record.
>>> Upon introduction of the file versioning system, the wwPDB will revise
>>> each PDB accession code by extending its length and prepending “PDB” (e.g.,
>>> "1abc" will become "pdb_00001abc"). This process will enable text mining
>>> detection of PDB entries in the published literature and allow for more
>>> informative and transparent delivery of revised data files. For example,
>>> the atomic coordinates for the second major version of PDB entry 1abc would
>>> have the following form under the new file-naming schema:
>>> pdb_00001abc_xyz_v2-0.cif.gz
>>> The wwPDB is mindful of the importance of continuity in providing
>>> services and supporting User activities. For as long as practicable, the
>>> wwPDB will continue assigning PDB codes that can be truncated losslessly to
>>> the current four-character style. In the same spirit, initial
>>> implementation of entry file versioning will appear in a new, parallel
>>> branch of the PDB archive FTP tree. More details on the new FTP tree
>>> organization and accessibility of version information will be forthcoming.
>>> Data files in the current archive location
>>> will continue to use the
>>> familiar naming style and will contain the latest version in the
>>> corresponding versioned archive.
>>> <>
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Jasmine
>>> ===========================================================
>>> Jasmine Young, Ph.D.
>>> Biocuration Team Lead
>>> RCSB Protein Data Bank
>>> Associate Research Professor
>>> Center for Integrative Proteomics Research
>>> Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
>>> 174 Frelinghuysen Rd
>>> Piscataway, NJ 08854-8087
>>> Phone: (848)445-0103 ext 4920
>>> Fax: (732)445-4320
>>> ===========================================================

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