I'm working on a crystal structure with resolution of 2.2A. At the final > step, I use different strategies to refine the structure, they are: > no4: strategy=individual_sites+individual_adp+tls / set_b_iso=20 > results: Rwork/free=0.2052/0.2658 b-factor=11.4/136.8/48(min/max/average) > > no5: strategy=individual_sites+individual_adp+tls / set_b_iso=10 / > optimize_xyz/adp_weight=true > results: Rwork/free=0.2161/0.2639 b-factor=11.3/135.2/48.4(min/ > max/average) > make sense to me, both - the strategy and results. Getting the same results using different starting B is also a good sign. > no6: strategy=individual_sites+individual_adp / anisotropic for all > residues and isotropic for water / > set_b_iso=10 / optimize_xyz/adp_weight=true > results: Rwork/free=0.2183/0.2706 b-factor=10.9/144.6/45.7 > (min/max/average) > PS: the results is read from pdb file > This does not make sense: 2.2A isn't good enough to refine all residues with anisotropic ADP. > The results showed that the strategy of no5 is the best one. > Both, no4 and no5 looks same to me. > And my questions are: > 1. Which strategy should I choose to refine my structure? Or any other > suggestions to refine the structure at 2.2A resolution? > Your no4 and no5 look fine. Make sure you let phenix.refine to add water automatically as part of refinement run. Check manually at the very final stage. > 2. Does it possible that some residues have very high B-factor in "B > factor variance Graphs", while in the pdb fileļ¼ the b-factor of > corresponding residues are relatively low? For example, one residue have > B-factors of 417 in "B factor variance Graphs", but in PDB file the b > factor is 76. Does the two factor mean the same thing? > I don't know how that analysis works. Perhaps it's looking at variance of local Bs not the absolute value. > 3. If i want to set the weight manually, which parameter should i set, > wxc/wxc_scale? or others? > wxc_scale for coordinates, wxu_scale for ADP. Normally, though, you are not expected to do this if you let the program to optimize weights. Pavel