
I'm working on a crystal structure with resolution of 2.2A. At the final
> step, I use different strategies to refine the structure, they are:
> no4: strategy=individual_sites+individual_adp+tls / set_b_iso=20
> results: Rwork/free=0.2052/0.2658  b-factor=11.4/136.8/48(min/max/average)
> no5: strategy=individual_sites+individual_adp+tls / set_b_iso=10 /
> optimize_xyz/adp_weight=true
> results: Rwork/free=0.2161/0.2639  b-factor=11.3/135.2/48.4(min/
> max/average)

make sense to me, both - the strategy and results. Getting the same results
using different starting B is also a good sign.

> no6: strategy=individual_sites+individual_adp / anisotropic for all
> residues and isotropic for water /
>          set_b_iso=10 / optimize_xyz/adp_weight=true
> results: Rwork/free=0.2183/0.2706  b-factor=10.9/144.6/45.7
> (min/max/average)
> PS: the results is read from pdb file

This does not make sense: 2.2A isn't good enough to refine all residues
with anisotropic ADP.

> The results showed that the strategy of no5 is the best one.

Both, no4 and no5 looks same to me.

> And my questions are:
> 1. Which strategy should I choose to refine my structure? Or any other
> suggestions to refine the structure at 2.2A resolution?

Your no4 and no5 look fine. Make sure you let phenix.refine to add water
automatically as part of refinement run. Check manually at the very final

> 2. Does it possible that some residues have very high B-factor in "B
> factor variance Graphs", while in the pdb fileļ¼Œ the b-factor of
> corresponding residues are relatively low? For example, one residue have
> B-factors of 417 in "B factor variance Graphs", but in PDB file the b
> factor is 76. Does the two factor mean the same thing?

I don't know how that analysis works. Perhaps it's looking at variance of
local Bs not the absolute value.

> 3. If i want to set the weight manually, which parameter should i set,
> wxc/wxc_scale? or others?

wxc_scale for coordinates, wxu_scale for ADP. Normally, though, you are not
expected to do this if you let the program to optimize weights.


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