There is also lack of information here.  Do you really expect this protein
in soluble fraction? Is it a membrane associated or transmembrane protein?

Well, I don't have any experience in protein expression using codon
However, Considering the fact that in E.coli it is getting expressed in
insoluble fraction, I would recommend to co-express this protein with
groEL/ES system. I have plasmid expressing groEL/ES operon.

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Hansman, Grant <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Why don't you try adding GST/MBP tags first? This is a easy quick test.
> We have a nice fusion (MBP) vector for e.coli expression if you want.
> Grant
> From: Sutapa Chakrabarti <<mailto:
> Reply-To: Sutapa Chakrabarti <<mailto:
> Date: Monday 3 April 2017 08:49
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Using a codon-optimised gene to improve protein
> solubility
> Dear All,
> We're trying to express and purify a 1000 residue long protein and have
> run into the problem that it is completely insoluble when expressed in
> E.coli and is not expressed at all in insect cells. The usual tricks for
> improving solubility in E.coli, such as addition of GST/MBP tags,
> optimising expression media and induction conditions and use of different
> cell strains, have not led to any improvement.
> We are now looking into ordering a codon-optimised synthetic gene for this
> protein and are trying to decide whether it would be worthwhile to
> codon-optimise for expression in E.coli (given that the protein was
> expressed but not soluble) or if we should attempt baculovirus expression
> again with a gene that has been codon-optimised for insect cells.
> My question is:
> has anyone observed an improvement in the solubility of their target
> protein using a codon optimised gene?
> I know of several instances where the use of a codon-optimised gene has
> led to expression where the native gene sequence did not but am unable to
> find any references for improvement in solubility. Since codon optimisation
> significantly alters the translation rate of a gene, I believe this should
> affect solubility as well; but I'd like to know what the community
> thinks/has observed before I order an exorbitantly priced gene!
> Thank you in advance,
> Sutapa
> --
> Sutapa Chakrabarti, Ph.D.
> Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
> Freie Universität Berlin
> Takustr. 6
> 14195 Berlin
> Germany
> Phone: +49-(0)30-83875094

Vipul Panchal
Senior Research Fellow,
Respiratory disease and biology,

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