Dear Schulze-Gahmen, Which version of coot did you use? For me, Coot 0.8.4 works well in windows 8.1 system. It does not have a question in optimizing nucleic acids.
best, Zhonghao From: Ursula Schulze-Gahmen Date: 2017-03-25 04:35 To: CCP4BB Subject: [ccp4bb] coot fragment translation for nucleic acids Although I have used Coot a lot for modeling protein structures, I have little experience using it for nucleic acids. I am trying to translate fragments of nucleic acid using the rotate/translate zone option in Coot. But I am unable to select a zone; instead the whole chain is selected when I am clicking on 2 atoms in the chain. Any suggestion how to get around this would be appreciated. Ursula -- Ursula Schulze-Gahmen, Ph.D. Project Scientist UC Berkeley, QB3 360 Stanley Hall #3220 Berkeley, CA 94720-3220 (510) 643 9491