Dear Alex,

try MAIN "";

it has a two way interface to Ramachandran plot, you can either display 
“HIS_RAMA” of individual clicked residues in displayed 3D  model and also the 
other way around, you can click on residues in Ramachandran plot and center on 
the residue in 3D model.

If you need some help to on how this works  do not hesitate to contact me.

> On 25 Mar 2017, at 01:00, CCP4BB automatic digest system 
> <> wrote:
> Date:    Thu, 23 Mar 2017 20:39:46 -0700
> From:    Alex Lee <>
> Subject: software or tool for Individual residue in a Ramachandran plot graph?
> Dear All,
> Is there a tool or software which can give Ramachandran information of
> individual residues in a plot?
> I used Coot to check for Ramachandran plots, but it shows all the residues
> in a coordinate I put in Coot, not individual one. I also use "residue
> info" in coot, it tells Ramachandran "phi psi" angles of individual
> residue, but it does not show it in a plot, only numbers.
> Thanks ahead for any input.

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