Hi all, Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Infection Biology and Molecular Infection Medicine at Umeå University, Sweden (two projects in structural biology).
UCMR- Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, Sweden has six post-doc positions available. For more details, see: https://umu.mynetworkglobal.com/se/what:job/jobID:138050/ www.mims.umu.se<http://www.mims.umu.se>/postdocs and www.ucmr.umu.se<http://www.ucmr.umu.se> Note: The recruitment is a two-step process: First, the candidates must provide all relevant documents as described in the advertisement. Secondly, selected applicants will be asked to provide a two-page research plan linked to a research group. The two proposed research projects in structural biology are: "Deciphering the assembly mechanisms of bacterial fimbriae: structure, assembly and function" (http://www.chemistry.umu.se/forskning/group-leaders/karina-persson) and "Crystallographic Studies of RNA-thermosensors in bacterial pathogens" (http://www.chemistry.umu.se/forskning/group-leaders/elisabeth-sauer-eriksson). Interested qualified candidates are encouraged to contact one of the corresponding group leaders as soon as possible. Contact for the bacterial fimbriae project: Karina Persson (karina.pers...@umu.se<mailto:karina.pers...@umu.se>) Contact for the RNA-thermosensor project: Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson (elisabeth.sauer-eriks...@umu.se<mailto:elisabeth.sauer-eriks...@umu.se>)