My XDSGUI is reporting :

xdscc12 -cdef -nbin 3 -t 1 XDS_ASCII.HKL > XDSCC12.LP

So, downloaded again from the XDSWiKi link, but :

xdscc12/20170309> ./xdscc12.rhel6.64 -h
xdscc12 KD 2017-01-12. Academic use only; no redistribution. Expires 2016-12-31. -h option shows options. Please cite Assmann, G., Brehm, W., Diederichs, K. (2016) J.Appl.Cryst. 49, 1021-1028 usage: xdscc12 -dmin <lowres> -dmax <highres> -nbin <nbin> -mode <1 or 2> -<abcdeftwz> FILE_NAME dmax (default 999A), dmin (default 1A) and nbin (default 10) have the usual meanings. mode can be 1 (equal volumes of resolution shells) or 2 (increasing volumes; default).
   -t: total oscillation (degree) to batch fine-sliced frames into
other options can be combined (e.g. -def), and switch the following off:
   -a: individual isomorphous summary values
   -b: individual (Fisher-transformed) delta-CC1/2 values
   -c: individual delta-CC1/2 reflection numbers
   -d: individual anomalous summary values
   -e: individual (Fisher-transformed) delta-CC1/2ano values
   -f: individual delta-CC1/2ano reflection numbers
   -w: weighting of intensities with their sigmas
   -z: Fisher transformation of delta-CC1/2 values

it seems to me also be a expired version ...

Somebody know where I can find a newer-working version?

All the best


         Carlos CONTRERAS MARTEL, Ph.D.
                 (CR1 CNRS)
         "Bacterial Pathogenesis Group"
        Institut de Biologie Structurale
             UMR5075 CEA-CNRS-UGA

              Campus EPN
              71, avenue des Martyrs
              CS 10090
              38044 Grenoble CEDEX 9

 tel : (+33) (0)4 57 42 86 41


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