REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the IUPAB/EBSA/BBS/IoP Congress in Edinburgh, 16 - 20th July 2017 (
Venki Ramakrishnan is presenting the opening Plenary Lecture and Bob Lewkowitz the closing Plenary Lecture. Chris Dobson gives a Public Engagement Lecture on the first day of the congress at 2:30pm. The sessions and list of invited speakers are here ( and there are still over 100 short presentations to be selected from submitted abstracts. Several satellite meetings are also taking place ( and in particular a EBSA Young scientists networking satellite - “Biophysics in the 21st Century”, with heavily subsidized accommodation and registration. Over 160 bursaries are available for younger scientists from IUPAB/EBSA and other sources, as well as many poster prizes. Registration includes all lunches, refreshments, conference dinner and events. Regards, Anthony Watts and Andrew Turberfield, Oxford Chairs of the Scientific Committee (<> REGISTRATION NOW OPEN []