Dear All, The 3rd Instruct Biennial Scientific Conference is taking place in Brno, Czech Republic from the 25- 26th of May 2017.
You can submit an abstract and book a place at The conference includes a strong programme of international scientist speakers about the latest advances in structural methods. Early researchers and students are encouraged to apply for travel fellowships to attend. Deadline has been extended to the 15 of March Confirmed speakers includes: Dave Stuart Instruct, University of Oxford Albert Heck, Utrecht University Leemor Joshua-Tor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Masahide Kikkawa, University of Tokio Juli Feigon, UCLA Michael Sattler, TU Munich Kristina Djinovic-Carugo, University of Vienna Babis Kalodimos, University of Minnesota Richard Stefl, Masaryk University Andrew Carter, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge Thijn Brummelkamp, Netherland Cancer Institute James Naismith, The University St Andrews Petr Leiman, University Blvd Andrea Musacchio, Max Planck Institute Radostin Danev, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Fellowship application closing March 15 Registration closing: April 1 We look forward to seeing you in Brno The Instruct Operations Team Dr Claudia Alen Amaro Scientific Project Manager Instruct: An Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive, Headington OX3 7BN, UK Tel: +44 1865 287808 email: Follow us on twitter @instructhub