Dear all,

eBIC and CCP-EM are proud to announce the inaugural symposium of eBIC, the
UK national cryoEM centre at Diamond Light Source, and the third CCP-EM
Spring Symposium on April 24–26, 2017. This three day conference will be
held at the Diamond/RAL Campus, Harwell, Oxfordshire.

The eBIC opening symposium will be on the first day, highlighting the
advances of cryoEM and feature presentations with an emphasis on emerging
and challenging technologies, followed by CCP-EM featuring of
state-of-the-art presentations related to cryo-EM methods and applications.
Confirmed speakers include:

eBIC Speakers:
Yifan Cheng, UCSF School of Medicine
John Briggs, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Lori Passmore, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Radostin Danev Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Greg McMullan, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Sharon Wolf, Weizmann Institute of Science

CCP-EM Speakers:
Piet Gros, Utrecht University
Maya Topf, Birkbeck / UCL
David Waterman, STFC
Tanmay Bharat,  MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology / University of Oxford
Paul Adams, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tristan Croll, University of Cambridge
Erik Lindahl, SciLifeLab
Kay Grunewald, STRUBI
Carolyn Moores, Birkbeck / UCL
Morgan Beeby, Imperial College London
Rob Nicholls,  MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Ausra Domanska, University of Helsinki
Becky Thompson, University of Leeds

Full details and registration for the conference is provided here:

Places are limited and registration will be on a first come first serve

We look forward to seeing you in April,

Peijun, Tom & Colin and the rest of the eBIC and CCP-EM teams


Dr Tom Burnley, PhD
CCP-EM | @ccp_em |

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
The Research Complex At Harwell
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, R92
OX11 0FA
01235 56 7871

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