Posted on behalf of Elena Orlova... Dear All, It is a pleasure to announce that we are running the next EMBO practical course on image processing for cryo-electron microscopy in Birkbeck College , ISMB, London . This 10 day course will be held in September (5 - 15), 2017. You can find our announcement on the following sites: Twitter ( ), Facebook ( ) EMBO events calendar ( ). Birkbeck College (
Deadline for applications: Monday 15 May 2017 The aim of the course is to teach the basic principles and practical aspects of image processing to bioscientists and structural biologists wishing to determine macromolecular structures by cryo electron microscopy (EM). The course will concentrate on processing of single particle images, and will be aimed at advanced PhD students and postdocs working on projects producing cryo EM images for structural analysis. Familiarity with UNIX would be an advantage. The first half of the day will include two 50-minutes lectures and discussions. A 3-hour practical would take place in the afternoon, with discussion time at the end. After dinner there will be invited speaker lectures or student presentations. Applications are invited from PhD students and researchers in EM. Please apply now via the page is on EMBO site. On this pages you will find leading scientists in the field who will give insightful lectures. A time table is a preliminary one and can be amended. Applications are invited from PhD students and researchers in EM. Applications should include: a Curriculum vitae; a publication list; a short description of your current work and future plans; an explanation of why attendance at the course would further the applicant's own research; and a letter of recommendation from the applicant's supervisor. Sincerely yours Elena Orlova, Helen Saibil, Peter Rosenthal, and Carolyn Moores * * Dr. Martyn Winn * STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, U.K. * Tel: +44 1925 603455 (DL) or +44 1235 567865 (RcaH) * E-mail: Skype: martyn.winn *