Hi Tommi,

Polder map allows you exclude selected region from bulk-solvent filling

Acta Cryst. (2017). D73, 148-157

This explains how to calculate it:


On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 1:37 AM, Kajander, Tommi A <
tommi.kajan...@helsinki.fi> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Was there a convenient  way to make a solvent mask for a region with a
> model  - its been a while - and use that to generate maps
> (i have a domain that is only partially visible, could not be found be
> molecular replacement), its there though.
> Could be that its not well ordered, but I was wondering if the bulk
> solvent masking is just wiping it out. (basicly something like half a
> domain, e.g. half of
> individual beta-strands, are missing.) resolution is bit limited (at best
> 3 Å) so automated building and refinement doesnt work terribly well.
> I could just place a model there and make a mask somewhere and include in
> map calculation?
> Thanks for suggestions,
> tommi

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