The paper
describing wwPDB OneDep system <> is now
available. The wwPDB has deployed a unified system for deposition,
biocuration, and validation of macromolecular structures globally across
all wwPDB, EMDB, and BMRB deposition sites to meet the evolving
requirements of the scientific community to archive structural data over
the coming decades.
The OneDep system provides a user-friendly deposition interface and
improved structure validation <> with the
benefit of recommendations from expert task forces
<> representing the
respective methodological communities. The processing efficiency in
biocuration is improved as OneDep supports a more automated workflow .
As Milka Kostic, the Senior Editor at */Structure/* and */Cell Chemical
Biology/* described, OneDep is a step in the right direction
and offers a single point of entry into the atomic coordinate deposition
process, as well as improving processes of structure validation and data
Jasmine Young, Ph.D.
Biocuration Team Lead
RCSB Protein Data Bank
Associate Research Professor
Center for Integrative Proteomics Research
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
174 Frelinghuysen Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8087
Phone: (848)445-0103 ext 4920
Fax: (732)445-4320