Posted on behalf on Prof. Stefan Knapp.

We currently have a PhD position available within Prof. Stefan Knapp group at 
Goethe-university Frankfurt:

The project is embedded into a highly interactive European training program 
involving internationally well recognized laboratories and companies.  The 
advertised position aims to study the function and structure of modular 
proteins that organize multiple PDZ domains into supramodules. We will study 
the structure and substrate specificity of these multi-domain assemblies with 
the goal to elucidate their function in cellular signalling and to exploit the 
possibility for the development of protein interaction inhibitors targeting PDZ 

The candidate should have a background in protein biochemistry, and MUST not 
have resided or carried out his/her main activity in GERMANY (not DENMARK as 
wrongly written in the website linked above) for more than 12 months during the 
last 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment.

The post is available immediately.

Anyone interested in the post, please send their CV to Prof. Stefan Knapp (see 
email in the link above). The formal closing date is on Friday 17th February 
2017. (but a few day late application might be considered).

Prof. Stefan Knapp

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