A new year, a new update.  Fixes issue with shelxe expiry

* shelxe
  - update expiry date

* prosmart
 - update to 0.855
 - added ability to generate restraints involving alternative conformations

* aimless
 - update to 0.5.31
 - restrict Emax test to resolutions with a valid normalisation

* monomers library
 - additions and corrections

* lorestr
 - Bug fixes

* spicker
 - New version

* privateer
 - fixes dirty CIF bug
 - introduces oxford angles into the SVG glycan diagram
 - introduced support for xylobiose

* ccp4i2
 - interface tidy and update

* arcimboldo
 - updates and bug fixes (linux and OS X only)

Charles on behalf of CCP4 core team

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