Dear CCP4bbers,

An exciting, MRC funded, PhD opportunity to investigating the structural 
biology of brain development is available at the Research Complex at 
Harwell/University of Nottingham.  If you know of any talented undergraduate or 
masters students might be interested I would be grateful if you could point 
them towards this advertisment.

MRC Integrated Midlands Partnership for Biomedical Training 


Full details of application:

(closing date 16 January 2017).

UBE3A and UBE3A partner protein complexes

Scott<>, Robert 
Layfield<> and 
Stephen Carr<>

Summary: This PhD project represents a unique opportunity to combine 
multi-disciplinary training on leading edge techniques at World class 
facilities with providing crucially important insight into both the healthy and 
disease state in an important aspect of human biology. Importantly, the project 
will provide the student with an appreciation of the value of studying 
protein-protein interactions on a firm structural, quantitative and functional 

UBE3A is an E3 ubiquitin ligase expressed in the human brain whose deficit and 
incorrect function is associated with several diseases, most notably Angelman 
syndrome. It also interacts with E6 protein of HPV, as well as being part of 
larger complexes associated with circardian rhythms.

This PhD project is to understand how UBE3A and its complexes work, and in 
order to do this we need a detailed picture of UBE3A and its complexes at the 
molecular level. We will employ protein crystallography and cutting-edge 
electron microscopy in order to obtain structural and biological information.

The Scott, Layfield and Carr laboratories provide a rich, diverse, supportive 
and active research environment. The student will be expected to be resident 
for at least 50-80 % Research Complex at Harwell 
(<>), where there will be 
training in protein expression, purification, protein crystallography and 
electron microscopy. At Nottingham there will be functional pulldown assays in 
order to assess further binding partners as well as in vitro ubiquitination 
assays. All facilities are staffed by expert technical staff with post-doctoral 
qualifications who are available for training and experimental design during 
the course of this studentship.

Any queries please email:<>

Academic requirements

 *   Those who have a 1st or a 2.1 undergraduate degree in a relevant field are 

 *   Those who have a 2.2 and an additional Masters degree (Merit or 
Distinction) in a relevant field may be eligible.

 *   Those who have a 2.2 and at least three years postgraduate experience in a 
relevant field may be eligible.

 *   Those with degrees abroad (perhaps as well as postgraduate experience) may 
be eligible if their qualifications are deemed equivalent to any of the above

best wishes,

Steve Carr

Dr Stephen Carr
Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford
Oxon OX11 0FA
United Kingdom
tel 01235 567717

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