Hello everyone I am learning phasing SAD data now ,and I got some files(like i.phs , .pdb ,fa.res, fa.pdb) when I using SHELXC/D/E,and I know fa.pdb and fa.res (which contain heavy atom information) are used for the further solution searching ,and .phs file can read by coot. my question are :what is the .phs used for(or which step it can be used ?) ,just for check my structure ? Can I convert this .phs file into .mtz ,and used it for refinement or model building after I found structure solution ? And only the heavy atom site file (fa.pdb)is used when I searching my structure solution using software? Can you guys give me some software suggestions about solution searching after SHELXC/D/E when the data resolution is around 3A? Thanks a lot !!!!
Best Regard Shijun