I have learned to refrain from catapulting my crystals.

Happy holidays, God bless us ... everyone (with diffracting crystals)

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Keller, Jacob <kell...@janelia.hhmi.org>

> >In a second case we were working on a beamline on the west coast of the
> US. Every crystal we put on vanished before we could even collect data –
> the loops appeared empty as soon as we looked through the microscope (this
> sets the decade). The beamline had an extra strong magnet on the goniometer
> and on closer inspection we saw that the hutch wall next to the goniometer
> was peppered with many crystals - they were being catapulted out of the
> loop when the base ‘flipped’ onto the magnet. There were so many that
> others will know this beamline.
> Yes, I also catapulted some crystals—but I actually saw one of mine fly
> off the loop….

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