Dear Lei,

I already try :

Ubuntu Mate (no problem), Xubuntu (no problem), Ubuntu (standard) (I had problem with coot due to unity desktop).

Also alternatively : Mageia5 (no problem), Manjaro (python3 as default in environment create some difficulty for several Macromolecular X-ray soft).

In my opinion your choice is one of the more reliable.

Most of the time the problem doesn't come form the OS, but more from the interaction between the OS and your graphic-card.

And in your case that's precisely what is critical (since you want 3D in a good condition). Ubuntu works well with numbers of hardware configuration especially if you activate the proprietary repository in the packet manager.

I used for a long time Xubuntu without any issues and was very happy with it. CCP4 and other soft are perfectly packed for this OS.



Nicolas Foos
Structural Biology Group
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (E.S.R.F)
71, avenue des Martyrs
CS 40220
38043 GRENOBLE Cedex 9
+33 (0)6 76 88 14 87
+33 (0)4 76 88 45 19

On 20/12/2016 01:05, Xiao Lei wrote:
Hi All,

I am asking if anyone used Ubuntu Mate operating system and is this system good for Pymol and Coot 3D?

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