Dear all,

Between the last official release of Phenix (version 1.11.1-2575, released on 
26 October) and a recent CCP4 update (7.0.023 released on 23 November), we 
fixed a problem in which the fast rotation function was not properly accounting 
for the effect of measurement errors in intensities.  Under many circumstances 
(i.e. with well-measured data to the resolution needed to solve the structure 
by MR), the change is not noticeable.  However, if you have systematically weak 
data (particularly from high levels of anisotropy or potentially from the 
effects of translational non-crystallographic symmetry), the fix can mean the 
difference between failing to solve the structure, because the correct 
orientation has not been generated, or solving it with a default run of Phaser.

We recommend that anyone trying to solve a structure with substantial 
anisotropy (anisotropic deltaB of 50 A^2 or greater) and/or translational NCS 
should update to a newer version of either package.  If you're using CCP4, you 
should get the latest update, because there was a problem with the version of 
coot distributed with the 7.0.023 update.  If you're using Phenix, you should 
get a recent nightly build, i.e. dev-2608 or something even newer.  Please note 
that you want to provide data to Phaser in the form of intensities rather than 
amplitudes to get the best results for such data!

So far, I've found 3 of our test cases where this makes a real difference, but 
I would be interested in hearing from anyone who finds that this makes a 
difference for other cases.

Best wishes,

Randy Read

Randy J. Read
Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research      Tel: + 44 1223 336500
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building                   Fax: + 44 1223 336827
Hills Road                                    E-mail:
Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.             

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