Hi Harry,

Thank you very much for the information! I am also looking forward to the
online tutorial!

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 4:55 AM, Harry Powell <ha...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>

> Hi Alex
> (1) Go to “Settings -> Experiment settings -> Detector” and change the
> value there; you should probably re-run integration, though since your
> value is only just outside the range of 0.7 - 1.3, I might not worry too
> much about that, and I don’t think it would make a big difference.
> (2) Don’t worry about this too much if it only happens for two images.
> Have a look at the offending images, and if
> (a) there is anything _obviously_ different about them compared to the
> preceding and following images, you _could_ omit them from the scaling (I
> wouldn’t bother to re-run the integration).
> (b) they look broadly similar to the preceding and following images, I
> wouldn’t worry at all.
> (c) if this happened for a large proportion of the  images I would be more
> concerned (which leaves the question, “what is a large proportion”?).
> (3) My view is that most of the “warnings” in Mosflm are advice that can
> be used to improve data processing; you will learn which are more important
> through the lens of experience.
> (4) I’d also work through the online tutorial which will give you a pretty
> well comprehensive introduction to everything there is to know about
> changing  parameters etc in iMosflm. It takes anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to
> work through, depending on how carefully you do it.
> Harry
> --
> Dr Harry Powell
> Chairman of International Union of Crystallography Commission
> on Crystallographic Computing
> Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9
> (Crystallographic Computing)
> On 3 Dec 2016, at 21:48, Alex Lee <alexlee198...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear CCP4bb members,
> I am new to iMosflm data processing (I use HKL2000 but I really want to
> learn iMosflm).  After automatic index, cell refinement and integration in
> iMosflm, I got 2 warnings.
> 1. Error in detector gain.  BGRATIO of my data lies outside the 0.7 to 1.3
> range (mine is 0.64) Imosflm suggests changing GAIN to 0.14. How do I
> change GAIN to the 0.14 value? Do I need to change GAIN before integration?
> 2. Poor standard profiles in some areas. Both Image 1 and Image 13 have
> some boxes with cc lower than 0.5. Should I exclude these two frames? How
> to do it?  I know in HKL2000 after scaling there is "exclude frames"
> option, but I could not find it in iMosflm.
> Thanks.

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