Dear Crystallographers, I am curious whether the observed effects of fine phi slicing might in part or in toto be due to simply higher "pseudo-multiplicity." In other words, under normal experimental conditions, does simply increasing the number of measurements increase the signal and improve precision, even with the same number of total counts in the dataset?
As such, I am looking for a paper which, like Pflugrath's 1999 paper, compares two data sets with equivalent total counts but, in this case, different multiplicities. For example, is a single sweep with 0.5 degree 60s exposures empirically, in real practice, equivalent statistically to six passes with 0.5 degree 10s frames? Better? Worse? Our home source has been donated away to Connecticut, so I can't do this experiment myself anymore. All the best, Jacob Keller ******************************************* Jacob Pearson Keller, PhD Research Scientist HHMI Janelia Research Campus / Looger lab Phone: (571)209-4000 x3159 Email:<> *******************************************