
I am trying to use blend to merge several datasets. Blend seems to give
"normal termination" with no errors but no tree file is being output and no
clustering analysis is being done. Does anyone have an explanation for
this? Logfile pasted below.

Also a related question - how do I ensure that the different data sets are
not alternatively indexed - they use the same origin?

Many thanks,

You are now running BLEND in analysis mode.

Reading from file mtz_names.dat .........

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file:
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename:

Loading datasets from all valid reflection files .........
Loading complete.

Partitioning datasets into groups with same bravais lattice .........
These datasets are partitioned in 1 group.
The following crystals are part of bravais lattice n. 7: 1
Building summary table listing all crystals .........

$TABLE: Summary of type I parameters :
$GRAPHS:        Cell Parameters (a,     b,    c)     : N : 1, 2, 3, 4 :
       :        Cell Parameters (alpha, beta, gamma) : N : 1, 5, 6, 7 :
       :        Cell Volume                          : N : 1, 8 :
       :        Mosaicity                            : N : 1, 9 :
Crystal  a  b  c  alpha  beta  gamma  Cell_Volume  Mosaicity
 Resolution(low)  Resolution(high)  Wavelength  $$
           1    96.667   131.331   131.394    90.00    90.00    90.00
 1668095.82    0.10600   54.336    1.549   0.97949

Summary information is included in file BLEND_SUMMARY.txt

## BLEND - Normal Termination                                   ##

#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 18 Nov 2016  20:41:05
#CCP4I TERMINATION OUTPUT_FILES   /Users/sclaire/Desktop/blend_3
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task completed successfully

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