Dear All, An exciting PhD studentship, at the intersection between Myeloma Research, Structural Biology and Drug Discovery, is available in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Sussex. The PhD will be jointly supervised by Dr Erika Mancini, within the Department of Biochemistry and Dr Tim Chevassut, at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School. The aim of the project will be to establish a mechanistic understanding of the network of proteins whose transcription regulation is subverted in Multiple Myeloma, an aggressive and incurable cancer of plasma cells with rising national incidence. We will target key players and use X-ray Crystallography to solve crystal structure of relevant transcription factor complexes to identify potential drug targets in Multiple Myeloma. Please submit a formal application using our online application system at<>, including a CV, statement of interest and names of two academic referees.
On the application system use Programme of Study – Ph.D. BIOCHEMISTRY Please make sure you include the project title and Supervisor’s name with your statement of interest on the application form. Funding Notes This School funded position, which covers fees and a stipend at standard RCUK rates, is open to Home / EU applicants. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in molecular biology and biochemistry with additional experience of molecular haematology or crystallography being a distinct advantage. Eligible candidates will have recently received an MSc and/or a First or high 2:1 a relevant subject. Closing date: 13th January 2017. For informal enquiries and further information on the projects please contact Dr Erika Mancini (