Dear All,

For anyone that may be interested - see the contact details at the full 
description i.e. don't send me applications :) 

The University at Buffalo seeks applications and nominations to fill a newly 
created, full professor position in the area, broadly defined, of the use of 
x-ray lasers in life sciences, chemistry, or materials sciences. Appointment 
will be made in an appropriate School and Department, depending on the 
background and desires of the candidate. The successful candidate will also be 
a key leader in the BioXFEL Center ( ). This NSF-funded 
Science and Technology Center is transforming how structural biology is done by 
developing the use of X-ray lasers to: make "molecular movies" that capture the 
functional motions of biological molecules in atomic detail; determine protein 
structures from nanocrystals a hundred times smaller than crystals that can be 
used today at conventional x-ray sources; and develop the capacity to determine 
the structures of single particles. 

The University at Buffalo seeks to use this Center award as leverage to develop 
a strong research and academic presence in x-ray laser science. This Center's 
interdisciplinary effort spans investigations at the interface of materials 
science and engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, biochemistry, 
and biology. Through a focus on graduate student education and other 
educational programs it will empower future generations in science and 

The full description can be found here:

For administrative reasons the post is listed within the UB School of 
Engineering, but in reality it can be held in any School within the University, 
so that appointment in Physics or Structural Biology, for example, would be 



The High-throughput Crystallization Center - Our expertise, Your results:

Edward Snell Ph.D.
President and CEO Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
Assistant Prof. Department of Structural Biology, University at Buffalo
700 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203-1102
Phone:     (716) 898 8631         Fax: (716) 898 8660 
Skype:      eddie.snell                 Email:  

Heisenberg was probably here!

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