Dear Stefan,
just saw this after reading post:
Best, Guenter
You already got good suggestions on how to handle DNA contamination in protein
Let me point out briefly that you haven't demonstrated yet that your
contamination is DNA.
I had the same observation when purifying UvsX. A very persistent and strong
contamination in all my preps at ~500kb. To test weather it was DNA or RNA I
boiled the protein 30 minutes and incubated it with DNAase and RNAse and result
was the same. I concluded it was neither RNA nor DNA and continued as if
nothing had happened.
This publication is reporting the same observation:
Formosa and Alberts (1986) "Purification and characterization of the T4
bacteriophage uvsX protein." J Biol Chem. 1986 May 5;261(13):6107-18.
If you ever find out what it is that runs like 500kb DNA on Agarose, please let
me know.