Please note the opening for post-doctor positions at UCMR, Umeå University. Best wishes Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson
------------------------------------------------- Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Infection Biology and Molecular Infection Medicine at Umeå University, Sweden Deadline: August 17, 2015 Several positions are open for postdoctoral candidates interested to do research in the highly interactive and multidisciplinary research environment UCMR – Umeå Centre for Microbial Research at Umeå University, Sweden<>. UCMR includes The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) <> – the Swedish node of The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. UCMR-MIMS researchers combine a strong molecular infection biology programme with chemical biology to clarify molecular mechanisms of microbial infections. We aim to recruit new postdoctoral scientists with competence and ideas that will strengthen the research environment and contribute to its renewal. The programme is open to all nationalities and features of the positions include: • Development of a project proposal forms the basis for recruitment • Funding for research within a multidisciplinary environment • Two years of secure funding • Access to UCMR-MIMS-affiliated core facilities and technical platforms. The positions are full-time for 24 months. Applicants should have a PhD degree in a field relevant for the position preferably completed within the past three years. Candidates for the UCMR-MIMS postdoc programme are encouraged to consider one of the UCMR-MIMS project ideas listed below. The project idea should be developed into a research project proposal by the candidate. The PI of this project should be contacted for discussion and approval of eligibility before submission of the application to the Umeå University’s e-recruitment system Mynetwork (link below). The candidates' merits and project proposals will be assessed by a panel of UCMR researchers and a selected group of applicants will then be invited for on-line interviews. Thereafter it will be decided if some applicants will be offered a postdoctoral position. The number of positions that will be filled is not predetermined but can be a maximum of nine. Application The application should include: (i) a cover letter summarizing your qualifications and motives for the application; (ii) a short research proposal of approximately 2 pages describing a self-defined project based on one of the project ideas listed below; (iii) a Curriculum Vitae; (iv) a publication list; (v) copy of the official PhD degree certificate; (vi) the names and contact details of at least two references. For further information, please contact Professor Åke Forsberg, scientific secretary of UCMR and MIMS, +46-(0)90-785 2526, ake.forsberg[@] The application must be submitted electronically and all documents should be included in one single file in PDF format. You apply electronically through the e-recruitment system MyNetwork, click on the button below. We welcome your application! Project ideas: · Development of the next-generation force and bio-fluidic tools for cell adhesion characterisation, PI Magnus Andersson<> · Mechanisms that control expression of the Helicobacter pylori inflammation associated SabA adhesion, PI Anna Arnqvist<> · Small molecule tools to study bacterial protein secretion, PI Mikael Elofsson<> · RNA virus host – reservoir adaption. Genetic mechanisms and determinants, PI Magnus Evander<> · Global regulation of bacterial pathogenicity via sensors of envelope stress, PI Matthew Francis<> · Insight into the organization and function of bacterial cell walls and membranes by advanced NMR approaches, PI Gerhard Gröbner<> · Bacterial sensing: Unraveling the role of 5’-untranslated RNAs for virulence factor expression, PI Jörgen Johansson<> · Structure, assembly and spatial organization of bacterial cytoskeleton, PI Linda Sandblad<> · Structural studies of proteins important for bacteria-host interactions, PI Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson<> · Bacterial virulence mechanisms of the opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii and the versatile pathogen Escherichia coli, PI Bernt Eric Uhlin<> · Role of outer membrane vesicle (OMV)-associated bacterial genotoxins in carcinogenesis, PI Sun Nyunt Wai<> · Postdoctoral position to identify individuals at risk of severe morbidity and death by metabolomic analysis of biobank samples, PIs Anders Sjöstedt, Anders Johansson<> · Co-infections and the human exposome, PIs Sven Bergström, Johan Normark<> · Chlamydia Metabolism Inhibitors (CMI’s)-To treat and prevent Chlamydia trachomatis infections, PIs Fredrik Almqvist, Åsa Gylfe<> ----- Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson Department of Chemistry Umeå University SE-90187 Umeå Tel: 0046- 907865923 Mobil: 0070-6335320 Email: