Dear Ruth, Aligent and Shimadzu have their own liquid chromotagraphy instrument, as I know.
Regards! Lu Zuokun -- 卢作焜 南开大学新生物站A202 在 2015-06-22 16:38:30,"Ruth Brenk" <> 写道: >Hi, > >does anybody known a manufacturer of a protein purification system >besides Biorad and GE Healthcare ? >We need a third one for a tender process. > >Thanks > >Ruth > >-- >Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ruth Brenk >Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz >Institut für Pharmazie und Biochemie >Staudinger Weg 5 >D-55128 Mainz > >Phone: +49 (6131) 39-25726 >Fax: +49 (6131) 39-25670 >