I have already edited my .cshrc file where i removed the line which was
pointing to older version and sourced the newer version
 ccp4-6.5/ccp4.setup-csh but problem still exist.

Thank you

On 16 June 2015 at 09:25, Roger Rowlett <rrowl...@colgate.edu> wrote:

>  Appu,
> You will have to edit your .tcshrc (startup) file to point to the correct
> setup script with a line like this:
> source /usr/local/xtal/ccp4-6.5/ccp4.setup-csh
> If you are using a different shell, e.g. bash, you will have to edit the
> appropriate startup file, e.g. .bashrc.
> You will likely find the offending line pointing to the old installation
> in your run command (startup) file and can edit it.
> Cheers,
> _______________________________________
> Roger S. Rowlett
> Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor
> Department of Chemistry
> Colgate University
> 13 Oak Drive
> Hamilton, NY 13346
> tel: (315)-228-7245
> ofc: (315)-228-7395
> fax: (315)-228-7935
> email: rrowl...@colgate.edu
> On 6/16/2015 11:13 AM, Appu kumar wrote:
>   Hello,
>  I have downloaded 'ccp4-6.5" and deleted the older version of ccp4
> installed. After installing the new version, it is giving the following
> problem on executing the ccp4i command.
> Error in startup script: couldn't read file
> "/usr/local/xtal/ccp4-6.2.0/share/dbccp4i/ClientAPI/dbClientAPI.tcl": no
> such file or directory
>     while executing
> "source [FileJoin [GetEnvPath DBCCP4I_TOP] ClientAPI dbClientAPI.tcl]"
>     (file
> "/home/appu/software/destination/ccp4-6.5/share/ccp4i/src/projectdirs.tcl"
> line 23)
>     invoked from within
> "source [SearchPath TOP src projectdirs.tcl]"
>     (file
> "/home/appu/software/destination/ccp4-6.5/share/ccp4i/src/system.tcl" line
> 3379)
>     invoked from within
> "source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) src system.tcl]"
>     (file
> "/home/appu/software/destination/ccp4-6.5/share/ccp4i/bin/ccp4i.tcl" line
> 79)
>     invoked from within
> "source [file join  $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin ccp4i.tcl]"
>     (file "/home/appu/software/destination/ccp4-6.5/bin/ccp4i" line 12)
>  I have deleted ccp4-6.2.0 version. Somehow ccp4-6.5 is looking for the
> older version upon execution.
>  I will be thankful your your advice.
>  Appu

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