Dear Eva,

    I still got the same information at:

Thank you for your interest in the 2015 CCP4/APS Summer School. The application 
system for the 2015 school is now closed. The 2016 workshop will be advertised 
towards the end of 2015.

Best wishes!


At 2015-05-28 00:06:15, "易军" <> wrote:
Dear Yufan, 

There was a small error on the webpage earlier and it has been fixed. So the 
application window is still open.

Please try again. Thanks.


发件人: "Wu Yufan" <>
发送时间: 2015年5月27日 星期三
收件人: "" <>
主题: 1st NJUST/CCP4 Crystallography School

Dear Prof. Yi,

I got the news about 1st NJUST/CCP4 Crystallography School from my colleague. I 
am really interested in it. I'm a  phd candidate in university of Zurich, 
Switzerland. My project is in the field of protein engineering and structural 
biology and I am in the last year of my phd.

I really hope to get the chance of this workshop. However, the online 
application seems closed already. Do you think it is possible that I can attend 
if anyone drop off? Please let me know.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Yufan Wu

Yufan Wu

The Plueckthun Lab

Phone: +41 44 635 5574


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