Dear Eva

I checked the application information on the Web page and can only find the
information below:

Thank you for your interest in the 2015 CCP4/APS Summer School. The
application system for the 2015 school is now closed. The 2016 workshop
will be advertised towards the end of 2015.



2015-05-27 9:53 GMT+08:00 易军 <>:

> Dear All,
> We are pleased to announce the first CCP4 Chinese crystallographic school
> at Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST), in the city of
> Nanjing, China. All details can be found at
> Title:"NJUST/CCP4 school: From data processing to structure refinement and
> beyond"
> Dates: September 13 to September 20, 2015.
> Site: Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
> The school will cover many modern crystallographic software packages
> including CCP4, XDS and SHELX, taught by authors and other experts. It will
> be organized in three sections – lectures, tutorials and hands-on
> trouble-shooting.
> Applicants: Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and young
> scientists at the assistant professor level are encouraged to apply. Only
> 20 applicants will be selected for participation. Participants of the
> workshop are strongly encouraged to bring their own problem data sets or
> crystals so the problems can be addressed during the school.
> Application information: The application deadline is Friday August 7th.
> The application form, the program, contact info and other details can be
> found at
> Fees: There is no fee for the workshop. The students will be responsible
> for their transportation and lodging. The workshop organizers can help make
> the reservations for hotel accommodation close to NJUST. The likely total
> cost for lodging and meals will be in the region of 2500 RMBs.
> We hope to see you at the school,
> Eva, Charles and Ronan
> Jun (Eva) Yi
> Department of Biological Engineering
> Nanjing University of Science and Technology
> 200 Xiao Ling Wei Street, Building# 364
> Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210094
> P. R. China
> Email:

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