Hi Vijay,

In addition to the suggestions you've already received, the pair_fit
command in PyMol is also an easy way to align based on specific atoms. You
could use the C-alphas of relevant active site residues, or atoms of the
ligand itself, for example. Just be mindful of the bias introduced based
upon your selection of atoms to align.



On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 8:41 AM, vijay srivastava <vijaytec...@yahoo.co.in>

> Dear All,
> I want to superpose the nucleotide form one GTPase on to the nucleotide of
> other GTPase in order to study
> the interaction in the nucleotide binding pocket. I tried to superpose but
> it is superposing on the basis of secondary structure as a
> result both the nucleotides from two structutres are not properly
> aligned.  I want to superpose both  the nucleotide, so that I will get the
> matrix, which I want to apply on my desired strcuture and study the
> interacting residues.
> Do any one have the align program with you or any other program which can
> solve this problem.
> waiting for your kind response
> regards
> vijay

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