Dear Jorge, I got the same problem several month ago, coot works fluently in a virtual machine of centos 5 or ubuntu but not in a host machine of the same OS. Just 2 days ago, in order to run program more quickly, I convert the virtual machine of Ubuntu 14.04 to a physical machine.
And it was amazing that coot ran smoothly, no matter space bar translation or rotation. I'm sure that this was caused by the hard drivers problem. So, try to update your OS, the Linux core may update and support your graphics card. Or you can search Linux hard driver of your machine. By the way, my coot version is 0.8.1. Best! Lu zuokun -- 卢作焜 南开大学新生物站A202 At 2015-05-17 02:39:09, "Jorge Iulek" <> wrote: Dear all, My machine has openSuSE 12.3, a lenovo ideadpad with 8 cores (4 are virutal) and 8 GB memory. For a number of coot versions in it (including the newest one), coot answers slowly to rotating, but specially the space bar translate is even more slow (from residue x to x+1 etc.). Curiously, in either CentOS or even openSuSE in oracle virtualboxes (under this openSuSE host), to which I liberate only 1 cpu and only 1 GB memory, it goes much faster, at a very reasonable speed. How could be that? In principle I thought that the multicore configuration of the host machine might be the culprit. So, for coot tasks, I have been using the virtual machine, but that is impractical. The closest to this problem I found was , but I could not devise any trial to solve the problem. Even trying the configuration did not solve the problem satisfactorily. I tried to search wider, but could not find other suggestions. Should you have one, I would be glad to try. Sincerely yours,Jorge