HALOmem is expanding its expertise platform with the establishment of *two new independent research groups*, working and collaborating within the stimulating multidisciplinary environment that has established Halle as an internationally recognised centre for pure and applied protein biochemistry, biotechnology and biophysics.
HALOmem and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) seek highly motivated and outstanding junior scientists for the positions of:
*Research Group Leader “Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Membrane Protein Complexes”*
The successful candidate will establish a team to study membrane protein complexes using cryo-electron microscopy (single particle reconstruction and/or tomography). The applicant will have trained in membrane protein biochemistry and/or cryo-EM, with documented experience in these fields at postgraduate and postdoctoral level. The candidate will have unrestricted access to the 300 kV JEOL JEM-3200FSC equipped with field emission gun, cryo-stage, in-line energy filter and GATAN K2 direct electron detector that are presently being installed.
*Research Group Leader “Biophysical Characterisation of Medically Relevant Membrane Proteins”*
The successful candidate will establish a team to develop technologies for the biophysical characterisation of membrane proteins and the analysis of their interactions with protein and synthetic ligands. The applicant will have received training in protein ligand interactions / membrane protein biochemistry covering a wide array of methods. Documented experience in these fields at postgraduate and postdoctoral level is expected; experience in an industrial environment is welcome.
Furthermore, applicants should ideally have experience in: * Working in an international scientific environment * Project coordination and leadership * Obtaining third party funding * Interacting within an interdisciplinary milieuEach group will receive funding from the BMBF, including an additional four co-workers and consumables for five years, as well as laboratory equipment necessary for the project. Implementation of the extended ZIK HALOmem Strategy Concept is a requirement for both group leaders, and successful candidates are expected to contribute to establishment of the Research training programme “Halle School of Molecular Life Sciences (HaMol)”.
Group leaders may be awarded the status of Junior Professor, in which case active participation in academic and administrative duties within the University is expected according to the /Hochschulgesetz Sachsen-Anhalt/(§ 34 HSG-LSA), with corresponding requirements for recruitment according to § 35 HSG-LSA. Junior Professorships are awarded initially for a period of three years, after which a further three years may be granted upon positive evaluation. In such a case, both positions offer the possibility of subsequent tenure at the Martin Luther University, which may or may not be submitted for tender depending on the success of the group leader.
The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg strives to promote equal opportunities in science. Female and disabled applicants, qualified according to the above criteria, will be given preference over other candidates with equivalent relevant qualifications. Salary scale is subject to legal and budgetary policies of the University and candidates are expected to start by the beginning of 2016. The University provides arrangements for coordinating occupation and family.
Applications should be addressed to _both_ZIK HALOmem _and_the Project Management Organisation Jülich (representing the BMBF) with the subject headline “ZIK HALOmem II”:
*ZIK HALOmem: Prof. Milton T. Stubbs, **stu...@biochemtech.uni-halle.de* *Organisation Jülich: **Dr. Christoph Wannek, **c.wan...@fz-juelich.de* *Application deadline: 12*^*th* *June 2015* *Interviews are planned from 6*^*th* *– 9*^*th* *July 2015* *For further information please contact:* i...@halomem.de; http://www.halomem.de *For further details on the application requirements please see: * http://www.unternehmen-region.de/de/374.php
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