If in doubt, try dragging the crystal through a 1:1 mix of Paratone-N and
Mineral oil until most or all the mother liquor from surrounding the
crystal has been removed.

There are more tips here:


Good luck!


On Mon, 4 May 2015 19:45 Faisal Tarique <faisaltari...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone
> Can anybody suggest me a cryo condition for a crystal obtained in
> MIDAS screen of Molecular Dimension:
> G1> 0.1MTris8.0G10.1Mpotassium chloride25% v/vSOKALAN®CP7 0.1MHEPES7.0
> G2>0.3Mammonium formate20% v/vSOKALAN® CP 5 0.1MHEPES7.0
> Crystals are in beautiful cuboid shaped but all sorts of PEG
> combinations and Glycerol formulation failed to prevent it from
> cracking and dissolving.
> Has anybody faced a similar situation as mentioned above and what
> precaution was taken to prevent it from cracking or dissolving.
> Your suggestions will be of immense help
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Regards
> Faisal
> School of Life Sciences

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