If you know what residues are likely to be involved, then set their
occupancies to 0.0 (In coot go to Measures - Residue info - edit occ)
then do a few cycles of refinement with that model, and then see if there
is difference density for those residues...

Quicker than an omit map procedure.

On 29 April 2015 at 12:16, Aleksandar Bijelic <
aleksandar.bije...@univie.ac.at> wrote:

> Dear CCP4 users,
> I am currently solving a structure (2.8-2.9 A resolution) of a protein
> complexed with a ligand using MR with the apo-form of this protein as model
> (resolution of the model is 2.4). After MR-phasing I performed a regular
> autobuild run giving me good outputs and thus I refined the best pdb
> leading to good values according to R-values and geometry, however, the
> denstiy doesn´t look well (but I think it´s due to the moderate
> resolution). Now I want to get sure if the side chains which are involved
> in the ligand binding are correctly positioned. However, the active site is
> suspicously similar to the active site of the model (apo-form) and so I am
> afraid that this could be due to model bias.  My question is how to check
> and to get rid of the bias (if present) at this stage (after several
> refinements). I read the publication of Terwilliger about iterative-build
> OMIT maps but since I am a bloody novice in this field I didn´t really
> understand it. I originally thought iterative-build OMIT maps are performed
> to compare the output map with one´s map in order to detect uncertainties,
> but what to do next? Or should I start from the beginning but how to
> proceed than, what should I do (I am using Phenix via GUI) ... Is it
> possible and reasonable to run autobuild with iterative omit map option? Or
> is it only reasonable if experimental phases are available? I didn´t run
> iterative-build OMIT maps yet because I am not sure how to run it correctly
> (what method is the best?) and at my institute the run will take more than
> 1 day and I don´t want to block one computer until I am not sure if it is
> reasonable. I hope you can give me some advice and help me. Thank you in
> advance.
> Regards,
> Aleks
> --
> -------------------------------------------
> Aleksandar Bijelic, MSc.
> Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie
> Universität Wien
> Althanstrasse 14
> A-1090 Wien
> Tel: +43 1 4277 52536
> e-Mail: aleksandar.bije...@univie.ac.at
> --------------------------------------------

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