Dear Crystallographers,

I am working with a cysteine protease. I co-crystallized the protease with
some small chemically synthesised peptides of 7 amino acid residues. I
mutated the active Cysteine residue with Alanine to avoid the peptide
cleavage so that I can get the whole peptide bound with my protein. But
interesting I got the density for a cleaved peptide with 4 amino acids
instead of the whole peptide. The resolution is 1.4 A, I can see the clear
cleavage and the cleavage occurred exactly at the same peptide bond where
it should. But I do not know how!

Now my question is why I am getting the cleaved peptide as I already
mutated the active residue Cysteine with Alanine (this mutant did no show
any activity when I checked with SDS-PAGE).

If anybody has the same kind of experience please advice me.

Thanks in advance.



Dipankar Manna
Research Scholar
Department of Chemistry
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway

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