Postdoctoral Position: Protein X-ray and Neutron Crystallography One Postdoc position to undertake protein X-ray and neutron crystallography, along with biophysical/biochemical functional studies, is available in the structural biology laboratory of Prof. Florante A. Quiocho at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. The successful candidate is expected to have strong expertise in either or both diffraction techniques. Basic molecular biology/biochemistry techniques (cloning, construction of protein expression plasmids, western blot, etc) are further required. Please find the research interests, project descriptions and publications in
The position is immediately available. If interested, please email C.V. with a complete list of publications and names/contact information of three references to: Dr. Florante A. Quiocho C.C. Bell Professor in Structural Biology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX 77030 Tel: 713-798-6565 Email: