Hi all,

I am working a extremely difficult crystal whose resolution is low (3.5-4 A
for native ) and could not be solved by MR. I am looking for some advice on
data collection strategies, bellow are the details:

Say that I have a rod shaped xtal which is 50 um * 150 um * 20 uM, and if i
use a 15um * 15 um beam size to shoot it, hopefully we can have 8 different
site along the length to collect data. say that it take 60 frames (1 degree
each ) before xtal decays significantly, if I collect 0-15 and 180-195 on
the first site, and 15-30 (195-210) successively …., it is true that for
each site, the Friedel paris are collected in a identical or close
conditions, however how about the diffrences between each site? For my
xtal, the unit cell and diffraction intensities could vary much from one
end of the rod to the other end. Actually in my last attempt to collect on
3 different site of a single crystal, the scale factor and B-scale changes
dramatically between the three site, as a consequence, high error model
were used in scaling (0.1), and I assume that such a high error model is
also detrimental for the small difference between Friedel pairs as when
scaling the data from different site together, the signals get averaged
out, am I right? Could anyone give me some advice on data collection
strategy to maximize the possibility to get a useful peak dataset?

I am also wondering if a high error model is also detrimental if I went for
isomorphous phasing instead of anomalous phasing?

Thank you for everyone’s wonderful advises in advance!


Dr. Bei Yang

Postdoctoral Scholar
UC Berkeley, QB3
360 Stanley Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720

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