Dear all,

Despite molprobity analysis tells me my structure contains no puckers that
are wrong, the pukka puckers tool within coot lists a number of them with
for example inconsistent distance bewteen the phosphates.

I would like to ask if any of you have dealt with this before, and how does
one "make consistent" the distance between phosphates with the sugar
puckering? Only by direct space refinement? Or is there a way to change
something else...

My structure is a 3 A resolution so I can definitely see the backbone of
the nucleic acid chain but for sure I can not tell whether the pucker was
assigned properly or not from the electron density.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best wishes,


Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen

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