We would like to announce the

European Crystallographic Computing School:
Advanced Software Development for Crystallographers
from the 20th to 22nd August 2015 in Duga Uvala, Croatia.

Location: Hotel Croatia at the beach location Duga Uvala, Croatia, 40 kms from Rovinj
Cost: 100 € including full board, excluding accommodation.
(Bursaries are available.)
More infos and registration:   http://sig9.ecanews.org/rovinj.html

This School for active and future software developers will cover advanced topics in the design of crystallographic programs. We will focus on tutorials in small groups, with plenary lectures covering aspects relevant to all crystallographic disciplines. We will also provide opportunity for one-on-one problem solving sessions as well as networking, integrating new developers into the crystallographic software community. Participants are invited to contribute tutorials. The School is organized by the Crystallographic Computing Special Interest Group (ECACOMSIG) as a satellite meeting to the European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM29) in Rovinj. All queries should be sent to Harry Powell (ha...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) or Andrea Thorn (ath...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk).

Confirmed speakers include:
•    Luc Bourhis, Paris, France
•    Kay Diederichs, Konstanz, Germany
•    Eleanor Dodson, York, UK
•    Vincent Favre-Nicolin, Grenoble, France
•    Christian Jelsch, France
•    Anders Madsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
•    Santosh Panjikar, Melbourne, Australia
•    Harry Powell, Cambridge, UK
•    Andrea Thorn, Cambridge, UK
•    George Sheldrick, Goettingen, Germany

The school is kindly sponsored by CCP4, Dectris, Agilent Technologies and Bruker AXS.

Dr. Andrea Thorn
Secretary of ECA SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing)

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