Dear all,

There are still some spots available to attend the *second RéNaFoBiS workshop*, dedicated to Integrative Structural Biology, that will take place on the *Oléron island (France), from June 5 to June 12, 2015*. The main objective of this workshop is to offer a theoritical and practical training in the different techniques used in integrative structural biology (X-ray diffraction, Small angle X-ray scattering, NMR, cryo-electron microscopy, cellular and molecular imaging, biophysical methods and macromolecular interactions.) The goals are to explain and illustrate, to an audience mainly composed of PhD students and young researchers, the contributions and limitations of each method with a strong emphasis on their complementarity and future developments.

The official language of the workshop is French but presentations may be given in English, depending on the overall profile of the students. For practicals, english and french speaking groups will be organised. Thus, not feeling very confortable with french language, should not deter you from registering!

*Registration is open on the web site:*
*Deadline for registration:* April 12th, 2015 (maximum number of participants: 25) More information on the French Initiative ReNaFoBiS :

best regards,

Dominique Housset, on the behalf of RéNaFoBiS


Dominique HOUSSET

 Groupe IRPAS (Immune response to pathogens and altered self)

 Institut de Biologie Structurale
 71 avenue des Martyrs
 CS 10090
 38044 Grenoble Cedex 9 - France

 Tel.: (33) (0)4 57 42 86 18
 web psb:
 web ibs:

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