Dear all,
A 3- or 4-year PhD position in Structural Biology / Biophysics / Biochemistry 
starting August 2015 is available at University of Oslo, Department of 
Biosciences, Section for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the 
Metalloprotein group.
The project is in the field of structural biology, biophysics and biochemistry 
with an emphasis on protein crystallography and spectroscopy (UV-vis, Raman and 
EPR) in combination with other biochemical and biophysical methods.

The project is dealing with different redox proteins involved in oxygen 
activation and electron transfer. The focus will be on some enzyme systems like 
ribonucleotide reductase and nitric oxide synthase, their reaction mechanism 
and redox activation pathways.  
More information about the project, position and application procedure is found 
on the website:
Applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent in structural biology, 
bioinorganic chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, protein crystallography or 
related fields.

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate that should have skills and 
experience in working with proteins or bioinorganic molecules. It would be 
advantageous with hands-on experience within topics like cloning, protein 
expression, purification, crystallisation, protein crystallography, 
spectroscopy, bioinorganic chemistry, protein-protein interactions, enzyme 
kinetics and redox-, radical- and metalloproteins. 
Candiates without a Master's Degree have until 30 June 2015 to complete the 
final exam.
Application deadline is 13th April 2015 through the website:
For further information please contact: Dr. Hans-Petter Hersleth, 

Hans-Petter Hersleth, PhD
Project Leader, Researcher and Senior Lecturer
Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo
Section for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
P.O.Box 1066 Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway

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