> My background is computer science and I am working on protein interface
> predictions. The questions that I asked are standard processing steps in
> protein interface predictions. But nobody in my field have used a
> *platform* to calculate and integrate them into different classifiers.
> Different classifiers use different features and have different processing
> details. I just thought it would be convenient, for both development and
> maintenance, to build classifiers on one platform that have all the
> functionalities.

All the tasks you've mentioned can be tackled easily with Clipper (
Clipper is distributed as part of CCP4.

However, please make sure that your scientific questions aren't already
answered by existing software. Pisa is the first thing that springs to my
mind when talking about interfaces, and is also accessible within CCP4.

Hope this helps,

Dr Jon Agirre
York Structural Biology Laboratory / Department of Chemistry
University of York, Heslington, YO10 5DD, York, England
+44 (0) 1904 32 8253

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