Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to announce the Ultrafast X-ray Summer School 2015. UXSS 2015 
will take place at DESY in Hamburg, Germany in the period from June 22, 2015 to 
June 25, 2015. UXSS 2015 is jointly organized by the Center for Free-Electron 
Laser Science (CFEL) at DESY and the PULSE institute at SLAC National 
Accelerator Laboratory. The summer school program will be highly 
interdisciplinary, with topics ranging from accelerator physics to molecular 
biology. A list of speakers can be found at the end of this message.

Applications for participation in UXSS 2015 have been accepted. Please visit and click on
'Application’. The application deadline is March 31, 2015. 

Please note that the number of summer school participants will be limited. In 
order to facilitate the selection of participants, we are asking applicants to 
provide a short text describing their educational and scientific background and 
their motivation for applying for participation in UXSS 2015. The applicants 
will be asked to pay a registration fee in the amount of 100 EUR. Accepted 
applicants will receive financial support for travel and local expenses, 
provided by the VolkswagenStiftung.

Please forward this announcement to doctoral students and postdoctoral research 
associates who you think might be interested in participating in UXSS 2015.

Sincerely yours,
Sang-Kil Son, CFEL, DESY
Mariano Trigo, PULSE, SLAC

List of speakers at UXSS 2015

- Giorgio Margaritondo, EPFL, Switzerland: X-ray light sources

- Robin Santra, DESY & Univ. of Hamburg, Germany: Fundamentals of x-ray--matter 

- David Reis, SLAC & Stanford Univ., USA: Ultrafast x-ray application in 
condensed matter physics

- Linda Young, Argonne Natl. Lab., USA: Atomic and molecular physics using 
ultrafast x-rays

- Markus Gühr, SLAC, USA: Ultrafast chemical dynamics

- Simone Techert, DESY & Univ. of Göttingen, Germany: Time-resolved structural 
biology and chemistry

- Thomas White, DESY, Germany: Serial femtosecond crystallography

- Wilfried Wurth, DESY & Univ. of Hamburg, Germany: Ultrafast electronic 
dynamics in solids

- Ulf Zastrau, Univ. of Jena, Germany: Matter under extreme conditions

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