Hi, I’d like to bring the following position into the attention of any suitable candidates:
- POSTDOCTORAL POSITION IN MOLECULAR MATERIALS RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY OF OULU, FINLAND A two-year interdisciplinary postdoctoral position in molecular materials research is available in the Research Community of Molecular Materials (http://www.oulu.fi/molecularmaterials/node/25636 <http://www.oulu.fi/molecularmaterials/node/25636>) at the University of Oulu (http://www.oulu.fi/english <http://www.oulu.fi/english>), Finland. The community consists of seven research groups in physics, biophysics, nanotechnology, chemistry and biochemistry, and pursues both experimental and theoretical/computational work. The successful applicant will conduct research in tight association with at least two of the participating groups. The specific requirements, the contact information of the groups, and the instructions for applying can be found in https://www.saimanet.com/certiahome/open_job_view.html?did=5600&jc=1&id=0000867&lang=en <https://www.saimanet.com/certiahome/open_job_view.html?did=5600&jc=1&id=0000867&lang=en> . The deadline for applications is April 7, 2015. - Best regards, Petri Petri Kursula, PhD ---------- Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Biomedicine University of Bergen, Norway http://www.uib.no/en/persons/Petri.Kursula petri.kurs...@biomed.uib.no ---------- Project Leader, Docent Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Biocenter Oulu University of Oulu, Finland petri.kurs...@oulu.fi ----------