Just recently, we updated Coot to use the Ramachandran plot according to
some newer distribution as defined by MolProbity (thanks to Kevin
Cowtan's clipper). This is available from Coot rev 5581.
However, please keep in mind as pointed out by Gert that there are
different version of the Ramachandran plot out there. Each has its own
advantages and disadvantages based on different databases and ideas. In
the end chemistry and experimental data (electron density) defines what
is correct...and yes, outliers do occur...
Dear All,
It often finds for the Ramachandran favored determined by Coot,
MolProbity regards as Ramachandran outliers. There are earlier posts
regards Coot and MolProbity has different database for the determination
of the Ramachandran plots. Then will you please let me know the correct
way to correct the Ramachandran outliers by Coot in order to meet the
MolProbity Standards?
I am looking forward to getting your reply.
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